Google offers up to 15 scholarships to attend the Midwest Journalism Conference! Apply here!



Registration for the 2025 Midwest Journalism Conference is now open.

Registration fees:

Event Professional or Educator
Student or Retiree
Late Fee After April 4

Sessions Only
Both Days

$160.00 $95.00 $25.00

Sessions Only
One Day

$100.00 $60.00 $25.00

SPJ Mark of Excellence Awards Lunch (Friday)

$45.00 $30.00 $25.00

Upper Midwest Emmy®
Student Production Awards (Friday)

Sold Separately – Visit Sold Separately – Visit Sold Separately – Visit  
RTDNA Lunch (Saturday) $45.00 $45.00 $25.00
MBJA Awards Banquet (Saturday) $65.00 $65.00 $25.00
(all sessions + meals)
$275.00 ($40 discount) $215.00 ($20 discount) $60.00
We urge you to stay at our conference hotel. When attendees stay, it helps keep our overall conference expenses lower, so we can continue to produce high-quality programs for you.

***PLEASE NOTE: On Friday evening, the Upper Midwest Emmy® Student Production Awards are a separately ticketed event. Registration for the event is separate and will be available on the chapter’s website: